Benvenuto al Circolo Velico Casanova

… per navigare a vela o a remi 365 giorni all'anno, nel fascino di Venezia e della sua laguna !
Se già sei velista o “pope” puoi iscrivertiprenotare una barca e navigare da subito! Se invece vela e voga sono ancora un sogno, puoi frequentare uno dei nostri corsi: in un paio di week-end puoi imparare a vivere dall'acqua Venezia, il mare, la laguna e le acque interne di Mestre. Oltre 40 barche sociali sono a tua disposizione per corsi, regate e navigazioni culturali o spensierate: una magia per staccare alla grande dalla routine! Ti aspettiamo !I

Vedi  tutti i nostri corsi:
Vela su deriva ,  Vela su catamarano,  Vela al Terzo, Corsi regata e di Voga Veneta



Vela Raid 12th edition will take place from Monday 29 May to Friday 2 June 2023.

Registration for Vela Raid 2023

To register for Vela Raid 2023 you must:

  1.  Fill in the registration form that you will find on this article, print it and deliver it to the CVC office by hand or by e-mail Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

For any information you can contact the CVC office at +39 041 5312913 - cell. +39 320 6925409 on Tuesdays and Thursdays 15:00 - 18:00 and on  Saturdays 10:00 - 13:00 / 15:00 - 18:00;

  1. Pay the registration fee of € 70.00 per person by bank transfer as indicated in the registration form. 

Registration deadline is May 15th 2023

Vela Raid description

Every day a different itinerary of 10/15 miles, in the lagoon of Venice.

During Vela Raid visits and meetings are organized on environmental issues related to the Venice lagoon.

Each crew, at the beginning of Vela Raid 2023, will communicate to the organization in which form it wishes to participate:

A - Formula Race: only sailing and oar

B - Gliding formula: possibility to use a small engine for emergency or in case of lack of wind.

The rankings will be made separately for the two formulas.

Arrival in the late afternoon or evening for mooring. 

Lunches and dinners

To take advantage of the thermal hours to sail, a packed lunch will be  provided on the boat, on request, at a charge.

For those who request it, the organization/assistance of Vela Raid will provide a packed lunch every day. The cost of each packed lunch is € 8.00/10.00 per person.

In the evening there will be a collective dinner with all the participants that will be carried out on the ground at specific places selected by the organization. The cost of dinner is €30.00 per person.

The fees for packed lunches and common dinners will be collected by the organization on the morning of the departure Vela Raid 2023 as a galley quota. 

Rough itinerary...

D0 - Sunday 28 May 2023

San Giuliano Welcome dinner.

D1 - Lunedì 29 Maggio 2023

San Giuliano - Lio Maggiore (13NM)

D2 - Martedì 30 Maggio 2023

Lio Maggiore - Montiron - Lio Maggiore (12NM)

D3 - Mercoledì 31 Maggio 2023

Lio Maggiore - Malamocco (17NM)

D4 - Giovedì 1 Giugno 2023

Malamocco - Mazzorbetto (12NM)

D5 - Venerdì 2 Giugno 2026

Mazzorbetto - San Giuliano (7NM)

Awards dinner

Participants can choose whether to stay overnight on board their boat or
on land (facilities or camping).

Those who decide to stay overnight at the facilities or campsites selected
by the organization must make the reservations ONLY by contacting
Circolo Velico Casanova at the following email address:
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In the request for reservation, please add:
- Name of and number guests


Agriturismo La Barena, Lio Maggiore 3/4 bed rooms and camping

Tel +39 348 3681314, e-mail: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.;


Tenuta Lio Maggiore 

Tel +39 329 2283519, 


Colonia Morosini, Malamocco 2/4 bed rooms and camping

Tel. +39 041 731070, e-mail: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.


Forte Mazzorbetto, Mazzorbo

dorms and tents: € 10,00 per person.

In this case the reservation will be made by CVC and must be paid on the morning of the departure of the Vela Raid together with packed lunches and dinners.  

€ 35/38 + tourist tax per person overnight stay in room
€ 10 per person overnight stay tent
€ 8 per person overnight stay on the boat with use of the services of the

Scarica questo file (Modulo iscrizione VR23.pdf)Modulo iscrizione VR23.pdf[ ]153 kB







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